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Farm2School Alberta

Alberta Food Banks is proud to partner with Peak of the Market this year. Together, we will help bring fresh vegetables into Alberta schools and day cares as part of healthy fundraising, and support many member food banks with donations of fresh vegetables.

In 2013, Peak of the Market had a pilot project with Calgary Interfaith Food Bank, a member of Alberta Food Banks, and 8,500+ pounds of fresh vegetables reached schools and day cares.This year, we are expanding the program province-wide in partnership with both the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank and Edmonton's Food Bank. In all, 84 food banks across Alberta are eligible to receive fresh food donations this fall.

The program runs September 10 to December 10. If you think your school or day care might be interested in participating in this fundraiser, please visit the Farm2SchoolAB website.


Alberta Food Banks is proud to partner with Peak of the Market and its two largest member food banks, Calgary Interfaith Food Bank and Edmonton's Food Bank to help bring fresh produce to food banks around the province. Our new partnership kicked off this month.